The aim of this project is to design a child's slide. There are certain aspects that need to be considered when choosing a suitable design.

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Mechanics Coursework


The aim of this project is to design a child’s slide. There are certain aspects that need to be considered when choosing a suitable design. The main considerations will be the safety of the child when using the slide, the excitement and fun the child can have on the slide, the cost of the slide and also the materials used to make the slide. The slide will consist of a straight slide and a run off area (see diagram below) with the angle of elevation, the height of the slide, length of the slide and run off area to be determined.


The slide should be long enough and be elevated to a steep enough angle to accelerate the child to an enjoyable but safe speed. Also the run off are needs to be long enough for the child to come to a complete stop.


  • Take g to equal 9.8 ms-2. This will help to improve the accuracy of the design.
  • The acceleration due to gravity is constant.
  • The person using the slide experiences no air resistance
  • The person acts as a particle
  • Mass of the child is not required because it doesn’t effect the value of  µ (for example the value of µ of an object that weighs 10kg is the same as an object that weighs 15kg). Also mass is not involved in any of Newton’s laws of motion (v2=u2+2as, v=u+at, s=1/2(u+v)t, s=ut+1/2at2  ) therefore the mass of the child is not needed.
  • The child will not use his feet or hold on to anything to slow themselves down. This will effect how long it take them to stop and hence the run off length needed
  • The value of the coefficient of friction will be the same on the slide and on the run off area as they will be made of the same materials and also the same two materials will still be in contact.
  • The final speed of the child at the bottom of the slide will be the start speed of the child used when calculating the run off area.
  • The child does not push themselves at the top of the slide.
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The coefficient of friction (µ=f/R), the height of the slide, the length of the slide and the value of ø (the angle of elevation) are the variables that need to be determined.


The following formula can be used to work out The coefficient of friction (µ).

 f        0      -WSinØ       0

 0       R     -WCosØ      0

Working out The coefficient of friction (µ).

The above formula ...

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