The care needs of people at different stages of life.

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During each of the life stages, an individual will require some sort of care need that must be fulfilled. Therefore, care workers provide a specific service depending on the needs of the individual person. Care needs often depend on the age of the service user.


As soon as a child is born, they require 24 hour attention by their carer.  Therefore, it requires physical well- being such as being given food, warmth, shelter and sense of safety.  This is the key stage when emotional relationships develop; therefore, initial relationships are important to the new born.


Even during childhood, a child is very dependent on the carer for day to day care tasks, although they have gathered some independency.  They still rely on their parents to provide them with an emotionally secure environment.  A child’s intellectual needs are met through regular attendance at school.  Furthermore, a child’s external relationships develop; so to keep a child sociable, social needs must be met.


As soon as a child becomes an adolescent, they are beginning to become more and more independent although they still require a secure home environment.  A teenager begins to become more self- conscious, so they require social acceptance, as well as encouragement from their peers.  Carers working with adolescents must accept and appreciate their growing independence.


Adults who are in care services may need help with their physical needs, but they should be encouraged to live a life which is as independent as it can get.  They must feel that they belong to the society, and social activities become important to them, especially with the stress of looking after the family.

Old age

As people come towards the end of their long, hard- working lives, they begin to require some sort of support from family or friends.  They will definitely need someone to help them meet their physical needs.  However, older adults do also require positive intellectual, emotional and social needs to be met.

Formal & Informal care.

Formal care includes both health and social care.  Social care providers include:

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  • Residential homes
  • Home- help
  • Fostering
  • Physical disability teams
  • Day- care centres
  • Family support
  • Young carers

Health care providers include:

Health care assistants                                            

  • Dentist                                                                              
  • Nurses
  • Doctors
  • Midwives
  • Health visitors


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There is some good knowledge demonstrated here regarding the needs at different life stages. The writer is clearly aware that as we get older our needs can become greater or fewer. I would suggest that the age ranges for the various life stages are indicated - this helps any reader to understand why needs have become greater or fewer at a given stage. At times, it was not always clear what the needs were at a certain life stage especially towards old age, and there were some stereotypical comments about people which need to be amended. Nevertheless, there is some good work here and I did get a good sense of the writer's understanding of the topic.