The Waterboy - Review of the character Adam Sandler.

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        It was clear to see that the moral issues facing this character, Adam Sandler (The Waterboy), were that he either had a social life where he goes out with his friends, goes to the movies, has fun and plays and trains for football on the weekend or stays at home with his mum and does nothing, but sits in front of the TV, and go to school on the weekdays. In short terms, he can be a normal teenager or be controlled by his mum.


        In the movie, the Waterboy, a number of people were affected with the decisions faced by his mother. Firstly the football team when they lose an important, aggressive player who can tackle  like no one ever has. It is a player of his standard that can win games. Secondly, the Waterboy himself, who has to face his peer's day in, day out in classes and on the school yard. Thirdly, the Waterboys mum where she believes that she can either lose her baby boy who will be at risk of injuries or can see him every day where he watches Television. Finally his school is affected if he does not play football. Without him they will no doubt lose every game and consequently, give their school a bad name.

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        It was evident that the Waterboy’s mother had to make a big choice between the decision of whether to continue to pretend to be ill and therefore stop her son’s big career and passion of the game, or face up to the truth about her pretend illness. She therefore, made the moral decision to tell the truth and risk losing her son to injury's day in, day out. She would also lose the time that he would normally spend with him because of training commitments, games, meetings and a social life with his peers.

        Adam Sandlers mum made ...

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