What evidence is there that attachment is a two way process?

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What evidence is there that

attachment is a two way process?

Attachment is the strong bond a child forms with his or her primary carer. According to Maccoby to recognise that attachment has occurred between the child and carer you need to look for the following signs:

  • Seeking to be near the other person,
  • Showing distress on separation from that person,
  • Showing joy and relief when the person returns,
  • Being generally aware and orientated to the carer e.g. responding to sound their voice or engaging them in their activities- when a child gives its carer a toy.

Although none of these signs actively involve the other person doing something towards the child, attachment normally needs a conscious link between child and carer. One exception to this, however, is imprinting in animals where the baby animal attaches to the first animal it sees and there is little that can change this response.

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The bonding occurs during a critical period normally before 18 months to 2 years old. However the bonding starts at a very early age. Even before the child is born it starts to recognise it mother’s voice though the womb and begins to attach to it. There is a pre-wired –or innate- programme which means babies will automatically attach to those who care for them.

If the child is to become adopted straight after birth, it can be hard for the birth mother to give the child away; this shows that the bonding in the womb is ...

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