What is infertility, and what are the treatments available?

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Infertility Treatment Coursework

What is infertility, and what are the treatments available?


Infertility is the inability to have children, barren. There are many, many reasons why this could occur in the human body. Anything from blocked fallopian tubes, to having no fallopian tubes. Infertility is becoming much more of a problem in the western world. It is estimated that around 10% of British couples have fertility problems. However, as medical technology is progressing, there are now many options available for people facing such circumstances.

        The most commonly known of these treatments is IVF, in-vitro fertilisation. This is when a woman’s egg is removed, and is manually fertilised using either the husband’s sperm or the sperm from a donor. Once fertilised, the egg is replaced into the woman’s womb where it is left to develop. IVF has an average success rate of around 20%, but it depends a lot on many, many factors.

There is also, the option of egg donation. This where a donated egg is fertilised by IVF using the husband’s sperm and then placed into the wife’s womb. The approximate National Average for a lie born baby is around 39%.

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Along with this, there is also the option of embryo donation. This is when both sperm and egg are donated and fertilised by IVF. Another option is AIH, artificial insemination by husband. AIH is when the husband’s sperm is mechanically inserted into his wife. The success rate of AIH depends largely on the cause of infertility, but it generally varies between 5 and 10% for every treatment cycle.

        Similar to this is the AID option. This is when anonymously donated sperm is mechanically inserted into the mother. The treatment has been used for many years and has a high success ...

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