Why Is Education a Priority For All Children.

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                Our government and local authorities have a duty to provide education to all children in the U.K, no matter what class, religion, colour or special need’s, all have a right to an education.

                When a child is born, the learning process begins, and carries on throughout its life.  A child learns by watching and imitating its parents, siblings and other people it encounters.

        When a child enters pre-school, and move’s through the education system, it learns to read and write, it learns about the world it lives in and the people in that world, it starts to learn about its society.  Apart from the knowledge and skills it will learn in the following school years, it also learns to interact with people around it, to learn that there are rules and regulations it has to abide by, it learns what is acceptable behaviour and what is not.

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                How well a child is educated will have an impact on its choice’s and options on future career and employment opportunities, which in turn has an effect on it’s outlook on life and sense of self worth.  These are some of the reasons why education is a priority for all children.

                I work in a residential community home for young people.  Many of the young people I work with have either been excluded prior to admission, have educational needs or have had some problem involving their education, involving truancy, bullying etc.

                Sometimes, just to get the child ...

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