1940-1945 - Amongst historians it had been debated that Churchill's finest moments was his reaction and handling of the Battle of Britain and the Blitz.

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                Amongst historians it had been debated that Churchill’s finest moments was his reaction and handling of the Battle of Britain and the Blitz.  The German Luftwaffe had bee sent to Britain in order to try and destroy the British air force and disrupt our trading ships traveling to the continent. This was never to be a German victory. They never really the had the correct aerial strike force.  They were using 109’s which were heavy bombing planes which were no good for aerial war and could not fly at low altitudes. This made it much easier for the RAF to destroy these German bombers.  The RAF did infect loose many of its fighter planes by the September of 1940.  It was vital for Britain to hang on and this war in the skies in order to keep Britain free from German invasion.  The British air fleet was able to hold of the Germans and win the war in the skies.  Many historians have said that Churchill showed his true heroics by inspiring the RAF to beat the German Luftwaffe and keep British soil independent.  It has to be said though that it was also the heroics of the fighter pilots that got us this magnificent victory, and that we should give these brave men the recognition that is due to them.

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              ‘Never was so much owed to so few by so many’1

   During this period of the battle of Britain Churchill would have been in constant communication with his cabinet and advising getting advice on what it was he should be doing.  Although Churchill was very much a large part in the winning of the battle of Britain the heroics must be shared between himself and the pilots the fought in the battle.  This was not the toughest battle that Churchill was to encounter as prime minister during the war but ...

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