The First World War was decided by the outcome of trench warfare on the Western Front.

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"The First World War was decided by the outcome of trench warfare on the Western Front."

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Trench warfare was a form of combat in which both sides occupied fighting lines, consisting largely of trenches, which were aimed to provide protection to soldiers on each side from an enemy's small arms fire and artillery 1 . This style of combat had a great impact on the outcome of the First World War with valuable developments in militaristic technology, the failure of the German offensive and the success of the allied counter offensive. However, trench warfare was not the only factor which determined the results of the Great War on the Western Front. It can be argued that other factors, such as the British naval blockage of Germany and the entry of the USA into the war, were just as important for the allies' victory at the conclusion of the war, in 1918.

The First World War proved to be significantly different when compared to previous wars in that many armies in battle found themselves bogged down in a trench war stalemate 2. This stalemate had been formed due to three main reasons - the failure of the Schlieffen plan, the French defeat by the Germans at the Battle of the Marne and the fact that defending positions were far easier than attacking 3. Since both sides essentially made use of the same technology (the machine gun, for example), stalemates were only further prolonged as neither side had an advantage over the other with access to more powerful, newer technology 4. Therefore, in order to do so both sides sought to find more modern and lethal forms of weaponry in order to break stalemates on the Western Front. The new metallurgical and chemical industries, and many new mechanical inventions, had produced new firepower that made defense almost unconquerable and attack near to impossible 5. These innovations included rifled artillery and hydraulic recoil mechanisms, zigzag trenches, pillboxes and the tank, along with advances in the military and navy. Their application had the result of making it difficult or nearly impossible to cross defended ground. Britain obtained possession of these weapons and other warfare strategies and put them to use with the French 6. After an extensive period of bleak failure on the Western Front, the British found they had begun to succeed in battle as these forms of artillery and practices were benefitting them greatly. When the French began adopting these techniques in battle, the allies proceed to be victorious in the eventual outcome of the war 7.
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The failure of the 1918 Spring Offensive (a series of German attacks along the Western Front) also greatly contributed to the result of the war on the Western Front. While German forces in the West had been boosted by the arrival of units from the Eastern Front, their army had been weakened by battles of attrition with Allied forces. In addition, the resource shortages caused by the British naval blockage placed pressure on the Germans to end the war. Although they were suffering, the Germans began to plan a massive final offensive aimed at bringing the war to ...

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