Account for the formation of the two opposing armed camps in Europe during the period of 1871-1914. How did the Alliance System contribute to the outbreak of the First World War?

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Account for the formation of the two opposing armed camps in Europe during the period of 1871-1914. How did the Alliance System contribute to the outbreak of the First World War?

Answer: The “Alliance System” refers to the formation of military alliances or conclusion達成 of ententes諒解 among the European powers during the period of 1871-1914. The Alliance System was first devised設計 by Bismarck; it was one of the underlying causes遠因 leading to the outbreak of the First World War.

The Alliance System during the period of 1871-1890 was called the Bismarckian System. In the Franco-Prussian War, France was utterly defeated慘敗. By the Treaty of Frankfurt 1871 France was to cede Alsace-Lorraine, and pay an indemnity of 5 billion francs to Germany. To prevent the French attempt of revenge報復 and the possibility of a two-front war, as well as to consolidate鞏固 the infant初生的 German Empire, in 1873 Bismarck, the German Chancellor首相, created the Dreikaiserbund三帝同盟. The emperors of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia vowed誓言 to guarantee the status quo現狀 of Europe of 1871, resist revolutions and maintain peace in the Balkans. Yet it was only a verbal口頭 statement聲明. The Austro-Russian rivalry鬥爭 in the Balkans was unsolved. At the Congress of Berlin 1878, Bismarck placed Bosnia-Herzegovina under Austrian administration, but trisected “Big Bulgaria” to deprive剝奪 Russia of an outlet出路 to the sea. As a result, Germany and Austria-Hungary formed the Dual Alliance兩國 (德奧) 同盟 in 1879 against Russia. Nonetheless, the danger of a two-front war still lingered徘. Bismarck feared that Russia might lean靠向 to France against Germany. In 1881 Bismarck convinced Czar Alexander III to conclude the Second Dreikaiserbund.

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In 1881 France struggled with Italy over Tunis突尼斯. Italy lost. In 1882 she joined the Austro-German Dual Alliance. So it changed to the Triple Alliance三國同盟. Germany and Italy would support each other if attacked by France. So far, Bismarck succeeded in creating a large league of powers, crossing from the Baltic波羅的海 in the north to the Adriatic阿得里亞海 in the south. The Bulgarian Crisis of 1885-87 suddenly worsened the Austro-Russian relations. Fearing that Russia might ally with France, in 1887 Bismarck concluded the Reinsurance再保 Treaty with Russia. Without telling Austria-Hungary, he promised German neutrality to Russia if she was attacked ...

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