Apartheid in South Africa.

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Apartheid in South Africa

Apartheid, a word that is not so often mentioned these days. To our generation, it's an abstract word, not like what happened in Germany during the second world war. But in fact, the white government in South Africa actually sent students to Nazi Germany to be educated in racial issues. It's kind of strange that we have learned so much about the nazism in school, but very little has been said about apartheid.

Apartheid means to keep races apart, and was said to benefit both white and black people, but in reality, the rich white people only got richer. Apartheid is the same thing as nazism, the only difference is that it was more organized and it happened during a much longer period of time. I think you can see that black people still is considered as inferior to white people in this. It feels like the governments are trying to make people forget that this shameful event even took place. The Holocaust is often mentioned when people are talking about oppression and genocide, but what about apartheid?

Thousends of people were killed in South Africa too and just like in Europe they were sent to concentration camps. The black and coloured people were continually and systematicly oppressed, but one difference was that this was not the work of a single mad man, but organized tyranny to keep slaves in a modern world.

The history of apartheid starts with the history of the colonization of Africa, in 1652 the first dutchman arrived. His name was Jan Van Riebeeck, his assignment was to settle an trade station for the merchant ships sailing to Asia. It all worked out fine at first but when more ships began to sail the route the Dutch couldn't supply them and were forced to become farmers themselves to provide the ships with the necessities. The reason for that were because at the beginning their plan was to let the locals sell them the water and provisions the ships required, but once they got there they realized that the black people wasn't too keen on helping them. Because the more cattles an tribe had the more power they had and once they had power they could also get more land. So the Dutch had to start their own farms, they became farmers or boer as they were called in dutch. But instead of hiring locals to help them and pay them salary they imported slaves from Malaysia and Thailand.

The white´s farms started to grow, soon they were so big that the black people had almost no land for their cattle. And eventually there was no place left for the aboriginal inhabitants which forced them to start working for the Dutch´s as slaves.

In this period of time, another race appeared, coloured people. They were the offspring of black slave women and white slave owners, they were not black, nor white. Most of the farmers didn't have their wifes width them to South Africa so the black slave women were sexually utilized at night while they also had to work hard day time out on the field.
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