Assess Impact of NAZI policies on the position and role of women in Germany from 1933-39

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Clive Freedman HISTORY - WOMEN

-16/18 very good- not enough emphasis on the POSITION & ROLE, as is the impact on them – should be addressed in conclusion.

Assess Impact of NAZI policies on the position and role of women in Germany from 1933-39

     Sources seem to reflect a paradoxical situation in Nazi Germany with regard to women. Himmler seems to endorse bigamy “so that both would try to be their husband’s dream woman,” whilst Goebbels 1929, speaks of the mission of the woman in terms of a partnership with a man, comparing it to birds “The female…hatches eggs for him. In exchange the mate takes care of gathering food.” Hitler talks about the foundation of the mans world being the smaller sphere of a woman. It is very difficult to reconcile Himmler’s chauvinism with the glory Hitler seems to afford women. Then there are sources which conflict with our modern liberal western view of women, like the slogan “Kinder, Kuche, Kirche,” Children, Kitchen Church, or the rhyme “take hold of your kettle, broom and pan…” To reconcile these apparent contradictions and how these views had an impact on women; Nazi ideals, and implementation of policies need to be explored, along with their success.  

     The Nazis had various fundamental ideological concepts of which women played a central part. As far as the Nazi regime was concerned, women had 2 main roles: producing lots of racially pure children and secondly transmitting Nazi ideology in a successful manner- female support was essential for the Nazis. Thus the impact on the position and role of women in Nazi Germany was phenomenal and varied. In some ways the effect was positive, in others negative and in some cases neutral. However considering that women are not in one social group, but rather represent many diverse social groups, different aspects of their lives will be significant to different groups of women. Besides the fact different social groups evaluate impact in different lights, Nazi policy was drastically different for certain different social and racial groups. Another issue with assessing the impact of Nazi policies is the ethical challenge of evaluating a Nazi policy as positive, as when zoomed out into the bigger picture it is clear that every Nazi policy is a cog in the ultimate extermination machine the world has ever seen.

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      The impact these ideals had on Aryan women, were manifest through 2 main policy areas: keeping women out of the labour market and secondly encouraging marriage and child rearing. There were 3 main policy areas that were geared towards keeping women out of the Labour market.

     Indirectly Education was a method of keeping women out of the Labour market by restricting opportunities. University enrolment of women was limited to 10%, and the curriculum concentrated on skills that would help women at home, as opposed to key skills needed for working. The effect was a ...

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