Battle of the Somme

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The Battle of the Somme

The battle of the Somme took place in World War One in France between the English and the Germans. The prime objective of the battle was to relieve pressure from the French fort Verdun. Other objectives were to make the Germans retreat and to take the German trenches along with no mans land. In the first day if the battle 20,000 lives were lost.


The British planned had planned to bomb the German lines for a week with one and a half million shells and 1400 guns. The shells were designed to kill the enemies and to destroy the barbed wire which protected the enemy lines. After a week the British then planned to detonate 17 mines which had been planted under the German lines. Then as soon as the bombardment had finished they planned to ‘go over the top’ and then simply walk across no mans land and occupy the enemy trenches since they would all be dead from the bombing. Unfortunately for the British this was not the case. The British faced many problems.

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A third of the shells that had been fired didn’t explode. Also the shells that were fired to destroy the barbed wire didn’t destroy the wire but made it harder to get through by tangling it because the wire would leave the ground, go into the air and then return to the ground with knots in it. Last of all the shells that had been fired hadn’t killed hardly any German soldiers compared to what they had planned to. This was due to the fact that the Germans had survived by digging deep dugouts which protected them. To protect ...

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