Causes of WW1

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Causes of the First World War

World war one was one of the most brutal, deadliest wars known to man. The spark of the Great War was the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. From 1914-1918 Europe was in war and at the end of it all there were 8-9 million deaths. There were many long term and short term causes which started the war.

        Nationalism was one of the most important long term causes of the first world war. Many countries wanted to show how great their nation was like the newly-formed Germany. Morocco was one of the countries that was most disputed about between France and Germany. Germany wanted to stir up trouble for the French so they had problems in taking over Morocco. But Germany found out that the French were taking over Morocco and that Britain would back up France. Another country that many countries wanted to control parts of was the Balkans. The Balkans had been ruled by the Turkish Ottoman Empire, but it was in decline. Russia wanted a port in the Mediterranean Sea so they were not confined to the Black Sea. Austria-Hungary wanted a port in the Mediterranean. It also wanted to lessen Slav nationalism already within their empire. Germany wanted to build a railway through the area to reach an oil field. Britain feared whoever controlled this area could threaten British control of the Suez Canal.

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        Another long term cause of the first world war that is linked to nationalism is militarism. For many years Britain had the most powerful navy in the world. However Britain’s superiority was to be challenged by Germany in 1898 when Kaiser Wilhelm announced his intention to build a powerful German navy. In 1900 the Germany Navy Law ordered the building of 41 battleships and sixty cruisers. A German Naval League was also created to encourage people to support this new naval expansion. However Britain was suspicious of Germany’s actions, especially since they did not have a ...

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