Chp. 8 Summary - The American Colonies Rebel Against Britain

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Chapter 8 Summary

Virginia was gifted with powerful leadership and great strength in character.  George Washington was a great aspect for the army.  They selected him primarily on politics

A small American army attacked and captured British garrisons at Ticonderoga and Crown Point.  The Continental Congress professed American loyalty to Britain and later was unable to reconcile anyway.  The King of England later declared the colonies as traders.

The colonies hoped to add French Canada to the colonies as a fourteenth colony.  This showed that the colonists were not just fighting in defense.  Fighting continued in the colonies, although colonists would not claim their desire for independence.

Many colonists still considered themselves to be connected to the mother country of Britain.  They slowly realized how necessary it was to be separated from the homeland.  In 1776, Thomas Paine printed a pamphlet explaining why a “larger body” should not be able to control a “smaller body.”

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Thomas Paine’s protest called for independence of the colonies from Britain and a new political society.  He pushed for a republican form of government, but was not the first person to push for one.  The colonists were luckily experienced with governance, so Paine’s summons for a new government did not surprise them, but everyone did not agree with his ideas.

Members of the Philadelphia Congress slowly moved to breaking away peacefully from Britain.   Richard Henry Lee made a formal statement to separate the colonies from Britain for good.  The King concerned the people who wanted separation from Britain rebels.


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