Contextualising the text-The resistible rise of Arturo Ui

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Contextualising the text-

The resistible rise of Arturo Ui

There are three key elements, which effect our understanding of the play, these are the social, cultural and historical factors. Through these we can learn how each factor relates to the play and how Brecht’s background could possible influence the ideas and feelings stressed within the play.

The Play is an allegory for Hitler’s rise to power, which started in 1925.

Social factors

Social status:

Brecht was born into a well-respected middle-class family, however he believed he was working class. His father was an aspiring salesman within a large company. This could suggest he was extremely humble about the family and solid background he was born into and could reflect within his plays, as he liked to reverse the stereotypical views of status within society, giving the lower class dominant roles. This could suggest to the audience that he wanted to encourage power and strength to those less wealthy.  It is possible Brecht emphasised with the character of Ui as he worked his way up in society as Brecht did himself.


Brecht liked gangster films therefore this is reflected through setting the location of the play in Chicago. Arguably, this raises the question that if he had been female writing the same play would the location be somewhat different?


Within Scene 12- “Faust” (relation) Ui dreams of the dead Roma (Macbeth) this shows that he was very literate and was educated using a variety of different texts. He was well learned. He didn’t go to the army (hence disliking physical education) instead he went to the medical core. This may have shown him injuries of war.

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Family Status:

He wrote the play in (1941) at the age of 43. He was married for the second time to Helena Wiegal and had two children with her (four altogether). His son died through fighting in Hitler’s army on the Russian front therefore this could have been the cause behind the hate and bitterness towards Hitler and the war. He had experience of the First World War and lived through Hitler’s rise to power.


By the time he had written “Arturo Ui” he was already established, and had worked his way up within society to develop into a ...

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