Declaration of the People Analyzation

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A.P.P.A.R.T.S. Activity A - Author: What do I know about the author? Nathaniel Bacon, AKA “the Virginia rebel”, was a colonial leader, born in Suffolk, England in January 1676. He settled on a large estate near the head of James River in Virginia. He became a member of the council in 1672, and gained great popularity with his manners and proper way of talking. Bacon was chosen to lead the outbreak of a newly developed Indian war, to lead the colonial military forces to victory. The governor refused to commission Bacon, but that didn’t stop a rebellious force from creating and defeating the Indians. On May 29th 1676, governor Berkeley proclaimed Bacon a rebel and sent a force against him. He was captured and tried before the governor and council on June
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10th when he was acquitted, restored to his seat in the council, and promised a commission as general for the Indian' war. Governor Berkeley in July dismantled the obnoxious forts, dissolved the assembly, and issued writs for a new election. When he failed to carry out his promises, Bacon returned at the head of 500 men and compelled Berkeley to issue the promised commission. In September he again routed the governor's forces and burned Jamestown, while Governor Berkeley was obliged to take refuge on board an English ship. Bacon died before carrying out his plans for attacking the governor at ...

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