Did the events of 1923 Make the Weimer Republic Stronger Or Weaker?

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                         Did the events of 1923

                Make the Weimer Republic Stronger

                               Or Weaker?

        I believe the 1923 was a very important year for the Weimar Republic. The new democratic system government faced some very real challenges to its very existence. Amidst the chaos and political instability of the early years, three very significant events occurred: the Munich Beer Hall Putsch; where Adolf Hitler gave his controversial speech, because of the war debt, Germany decided to simply print more money, which caused a major crisis of Hyperinflation and the invasion of the Ruhr, which caused economic problems.


In my opinion, the French occupation of the Ruhr at first caused the Weimer government serious problems. This was because Germany’s economy was still very poor and the whole nation was staving, and generally the germens thought it was the job of the government to solve this problem and help get Germanys pride back on track again. In 1923 French and Belgian troops marched into the Ruhr to ‘take what was owed to them’ which was quite legal under the terms of the treaty. They took the reparations in the form of raw materials and goods.

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However the French occupation of the Ruhr could be said to have strengthened the government. This is because the government encouraged the workers to go on strike against the French occupation. Although this led up to hyperinflation, it meant that the French didn’t get what they demanded and that in itself felt a satisfaction that they were getting back on track to be the proud Germany they once were, united against the enemy.


Unfortunately, one of the outcomes (as I mentioned before) of the French occupation of the Ruhr was that the economy suffered hyperinflation. This seriously damaged ...

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