Did the Nazi's succeed in controlling The hearts and minds of German youths?

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James Fletcher

Did the Nazi’s succeed in controlling

 The hearts and minds of German youths?

After Hitler had won the election in 1933 his main aims consisted of making a racial Germany, a strong Germany and a Volksgemeinschaft (peoples community). To do this he had to win over the hearts and minds of many German youths, to ensure that his dream of making a 1000-year Reich was fore filled. The ‘hearts and minds’ of people just meant that Hitler wanted all youths to think the way the nazis did and feel the way the nazis did and have the same thoughts that the nazis did. Hitler wanted to make youths feel as if the Nazis were a close, trusting, sharing community.

 Hitler wanted to create a volksgemeinschaft, where everyone worked together for the good of the country, and where everyone was the same race with the same thoughts and feelings. He wanted the members of the volksgemeinschaft to be healthy, fit, loyal to him and to be Aryan. The volksgemeinschaft was so important to Hitler because it united all people in the country, ready for the nazi plans for war.

   Hitler also wanted to create a 1000-year Reich. This is why he saw children as the most crucial element for nazi success. They would be the citizens that would be carrying on the German race, not the adults.

   In 1939 Hitler said in a speech,

“We older ones are used up…We are rotten to the marrow”

This shows that Hitler felt that he didn’t need the older generations because the could not provide him with the things that he needed, they were useless to him in the respect that he wanted to create a 1000-year Reich.

“But my magnificent youngsters! Are the finer ones in the world!

With them I can make a new world”

This was the sentence that followed and shows that Hitler knew that youngsters were the key to the nazi success. He knew that he could transform Germany with them and also go on to change the world.

Throughout this essay I am going to examine the consequences of the nazi policies for youths and how successful Hitler was in doing this.

Firstly Hitler had to change the way that children thought about certain issues. He knew that children were influenced by what they were taught and what they read in school. The Nazis didn’t want a mass of inelegant children because they would probably not fight well for the country in the war because they would grow into rich businessmen and some children may start to think of their own opinions and perhaps argue against the Nazis.

   This is why Hitler organised the burning of many books – so that children would not be influenced by non-nazi ways and ideas.

   Schools did change under the Nazis but not a great deal, because Nationalistic teaching had been common long before Hitler had come to power. It was mainly the timetables that changed, along with the actual lessons that were taught.

PE and games was increased to 2 hours a day so that young children would be fit for fighting. In some schools it was common that children were expelled because they were unfit! History focussed mainly on the modern world, such as the nazi rise to power and the treaty of Versailles. Biology was a key subject because it explained nazi eugenics. Geography taught children about land that had been taken as a result of the treaty of Versailles, which would turn many youths against France and England. Every single subject had a purpose for the nazi plans.

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   Girls were taught differently to boys because they could not fight in a war. They were encouraged to be taught domestic science and maths so that if Germany had to ration food they would be able to use the minimum ingredients possible. They were taught housekeeping and eugenics so that they would produce Aryan offspring.

   Religious education had been abolished by 1939 because it was simply no use to the Nazis. Despite what I have written about Nazis not needing intelegant people, they did need some intelegance for their future leaders. So the Nazis set up schools called ...

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