Discrimination Sources Question

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Question 1

The phrase “All men are created equal” occurs in both Source A and Source B. In what ways do Sources B, C and D contradict this claim?

The claim that “All men are created equal” is contradicted in Source B when King says ‘my four little children one day will be able to live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin’; this suggests that King himself lives in a nation where he is judged by his skin colour and so not ‘all men are created equal’. It is contradicted in Source C when the journalist says that blacks were segregated from the white members of a town by a river, this is not ‘equal’. It is contradicted in Source D when the Mayor of Detroit says that he was discriminated against in the allocation of jobs even though he was higher skilled, this is not ‘equal’.

Question 2

How reliable are Sources E and F as evidence of inter-racial attitudes in the southern states of the U.S.?

Source E is reliable because it is the account of the person who was the central character in the scandal. Also because the account has been published the facts must have been checked out and verified so that it is reliable. The Source may be unreliable, as it has been written a number of years after the event so it may have been forgotten, and it is written in hindsight. Eckford may also have wanted to paint a more dramatic picture of the events to stay in the media spotlight.

Source F is reliable because it is a photo taken on the day of the event of Eckford and some soldiers, it is unreliable because we cannot ascertain what the soldiers are doing and what is happening to Eckford.    

Question 3

Examine Sources G, H, I and J:

  1. How does each source help to deepen our understanding of White American attitudes to Negroes at different times in the 20th century?
  2. Source H is an extract from ‘Mississippi Burning’, a film made in 1989. How valid is the portrayal in the selected extracts?
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(a) A lot of the views expressed in H are enforced by I+J. A man in H says, ‘If you aren’t better than a nigger, who arte you better than?’ Source I enforces this calling them ‘undesirable neighbours’.

T regards Negroes only for the menial, dirty jobs and H says ‘they don’t take baths, they stink’ and I says they are ‘unsanitary’.

The sources indicate that White attitudes hadn’t changed towards Negroes they still believed that they had to be segregated.

(b) The portrayal of attitudes in  ‘Mississippi Burning’ is valid because it shows the segregation that ...

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