Discuss some of the cinematic methods the director of The Long Walk Home has used to convoy his ideas and engage his audience.

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Jade Goff

Discuss some of the cinematic methods the director of The Long Walk Home has used to convoy his ideas and engage his audience.

In the 1950’s in the town of Montgomery Black citizens didn’t have as much right in the community and society as the whites. Blacks and Whites were not equal and the whites had no respect for the blacks. The blacks had to ride the buses by sitting at the back, and if a white person wonted to sit where they were then the black would have to move. Martin Luther king was the blacks inspiration, ha gave them the courage and the determination to do something to show the whites that they have as much right as them. They did this by having a bus boycott that officially started  on December 1, 1955. Although it doesn’t seem to be a major thing to do, it made a huge significance to the equal rights. The  blacks didn’t back down no matter hoe hard the times were and there perseverance paid off, they new that they were right. Now they are treated with far more equality.

The film ‘The Long Walk Home’ has a major purpose, this is to show the viewers what it was like for the blacks before they had equal rights, and what they had to go through to get where they are now. There were a lot of theme in the film.

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These are:

  • Families – and how they change from black to white.
  • Hatred
  • Prejudice
  • Conflict - - individual and group

‘The Long Walk Home’ doesn’t have a specific target audience, I feel that whatever your age you can still learn something from the film. Also that its educational value is immense and without film like that the equal rites awareness would be significantly low. The film is historical and is also a drama. The film shows how a black lady who works for a white family influences the white lady to help her and to help ...

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