Do you agree that it was the actions of the Army that destroyed the Tsardom in 1917?

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Stacey Griffin 13HF

Do you agree that it was the actions of the Army that

destroyed the Tsardom in 1917?

        In 1917, Russia faced drastic changes after Nicholas II decided to abdicate for himself and his son Alexi. This decision as made after the Romanov dynasty had lost support and faced great hardship in the last few years. The loss of support was due to many factors. For example; World War One and its consequences both on the home and fighting front; rapid proletariat growth in cities causing mutinies; the actions of individuals, for example: Rasputin; and also the actions of the army. This can be argued as the most pressing factor on the disturbance of the Tsardom. All of these causes played an important role in Nicholas II position and ultimately they led to the downfall of the Romanov family.

        The army’s actions can be thought to be one of the most important causes in the Tsardom downfall. The army generals had a huge over Nicholas II position and advised him throughout his reign on important military decisions. They also advised him while he was Commander in Chief in 1915, during World War One. In the rest of the army at the beginning of the war, Nicholas had a lot of support from the soldiers and many peasants were willing to serve in the army out of respect for him and because they were given powers and merits for fighting. As the war progressed there were great losses in the army. This weakened their morale and thus caused desertions though many army members still supported Nicholas after the February Revolution in 1917 and continued fighting. When the army members finally did ‘change sides’, it was proven how weak Nicholas actually was, and how he couldn’t survive without the support of the Army. This eventually led to his abdication in March 1917. The Army’s actions cannot be seen as the entire cause of the fall of the dynasty, but only as one reactant because many soldiers changed their opinions due to the actions in Russia itself and the growth of revolutionary groups.

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        Actions of other groups in Society also led to the downfall of the Romanov family and show that it was not just the army that destroyed Tsardom. The proletariats were a main factor in the destruction of tsardom. Many peasants left the country after Stolypins failed attempts of land reform, to join the working force in industrial cities, which made the great spurt became ever more successful. But as industry was improving the conditions for the workers were decreasing and many became discontent leading to a second revolution in 1917 once again starting at the Putilov Factory in Saint ...

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