Einstein. Albert Einstein was born in Wurttemberg, Germany from Pauline and Herman Einstein. His father owned an electric company,

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                                                                                                                        Albert Einstein

        Over a century ago, there was a man who showed exceptional intelligence.  This man was a thinking genius who showed his creative ideas through his natural capacity of thinking.  The qualities in retrospect helped him gain world renowned fame for his work and publications.  Even to this day, this man is known as one of history’s most influential thinkers.  This man is Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein was born in Wurttemberg, Germany from Pauline and Herman Einstein.  His father owned an electric company, Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & CIE, where you could often find Einstein curiously observing all of his father’s electrical equipment as young as age five.  Albert attended a Catholic elementary school, where he had speech difficulty at a young age was a top student in school.  He had a natural urge to learn more about everyday things.  This gift led him to be a bright and educated individual. Albert received a degree in physics at ETH.

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Einstein was influenced by a number of people in his lifetime who encouraged him to publish his ideas.  An example is Max Planck, who is the man that is most likely remembered for founding the Quantum Theory. This theory is the study of the relationshiop between energy quanta(radiation) and matter, in a particular that between valence shell electrons and photons. He was a German Physicist who was a great influence on Albert Einstein and also presented Einstein with the Planck metal in 1922.  

        Some other people that influenced Einstein were Robert Thornton who wrote a PhD on “Measurements, concept ...

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