Essay on First World War (Some schools part3)

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Work Produced by : Anika Kloska 10SG

History Coursework Part 3

The First World War

     In this essay I will be looking on 4 factors and whether or not they had help to break the stalemate during the First World War.

     The Schlieffen plan was created by Count Alfred von Schlieffen, who was the Chief of the General staff in the German army. There are a number of different aspects of the Schlieffen plan, but all were aimed at defeating France as quick as possible, preferable in under 6 weeks. The Germans believed this was possible because they defeated France in Alsace and Lorraine in the 1870's. The first aspect of the Schlieffen plan was to reduce risk of war on two fronts. The Chief of General Staff thought it would be possible to defeat France and then turn onto Russia as Russia would take a long to get itself ready for war as it is such a big country. So the Staff wanted a quick and easy victory in France so they could turn their attentions east towards Russia. The Plan had failed because of the fact that Germany was seriously slowed down by Belgium’s army couple of days later backed by BEF heroic opposition. However this wouldn’t be as bad if Germany hadn’t underestimated Russia so highly, Russia to the great surprise of Germans had gotten ready in just 10 days This all contributed to the failure of the Schlieffen Plan which in affect had ended with a disaster. Germany was in serious troubles as they had left only 10% of troops on Eastern Front with Russia and now had to transport many of its troops to Germany, over 100,000 soldiers was send over to protect the country. This had seriously weakened German’s position. Now Germany was in troubles the war on two fronts that the plan was meant to avoid had just broken out. At that point it was certain that battle plan had failed.

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     The failure of the Schlieffen Plan was not only a problem for Germans. It had also contributed to a much bigger problem which was the development of stalemate, which had in effect, affected the whole war.

     The stalemate is a stop in fighting during a war. Enemies are usually unable to advance. It occurs when trenches are build, which in the case of World War One they had been build because of advanced technology, and failure of battle plan(The battle plans that had failed where mainly Plan 17- French plan to attack Germany through Alsace- ...

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