"Evacuation was a great success." Do you agree or disagree with this interpretation? Explain your answer using the sources and knowledge from your studies.

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“Evacuation was a great success.” Do you agree or disagree with this interpretation? Explain your answer using the sources and knowledge from your studies.

In some ways evacuation was a success.

Source B depicts a group of evacuees, who appear to be genuinely happy, as they are all smiling, whilst walking to the train station. Source B indicates that evacuation was a success, and is likely to be reliable as it was created in the era that evacuation was taking place (1939).

However, the purpose of the source in question is to portray evacuation as a success, in order to encourage those living in large cities to allow their children to be evacuated. Source B may be government propaganda, and it only focuses on one scene, at one time.

Source D also depicts happy evacuees, smiling whilst washing in a bath, which indicates that evacuees were happy and clean.

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Source H confirms that some evacuee children were living well, and were satisfied with their new families, with use of the statement “they’re happier and healthier”. My personal knowledge is consistent with this statement, as I know that some evacuees gained far more regular and healthier lifestyles through evacuation. However, the source was produced by the British Government, and is therefore propaganda in the form of a poster, its purpose to persuade more families to host evacuees.

The motion picture “Goodnight Mr. Tom” also provides evidence to suggest that in some cases, evacuation was a success. The film relates to ...

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