Examine the degree to which the flaws of the Weimar Constitution explain the continuing instability in the years 1919 to 1923.

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Examine the degree to which the flaws of the Weimar Constitution explain the continuing instability in the years 1919 to 1923.

In 1918, a revolution broke out in Germany, largely as a consequence of world war one. Initially revolution was instigated by the conservative ruling classes, although this revolution was soon to be followed by the revolution from below, which established German democracy. The end of revolution opened the gates to a new constitution, the Weimar Republic. However this was no ordinary time for Germany. War had been lost and German economy ruined. Although the Weimar republic was the first democratic constitution to rise from the ashes of authoritarianism, instigating universal suffrage, giving Liberal freedoms to the people and concessions to the workers etc, it faced huge unpopularity from the German population. After facing attacks from the left and the right, many questioned whether the Weimar Republic was just a democratic experiment, weakened by being born at such a tumultuous time. The instability suffered by the Weimar Republic could have been partially the fault of the constitution itself. However, when examining the degree to which this was the ultimate factor for instability, it is essential to asses other factors which I feel are more significantly responsible for its unstable nature.

It is true to say that the Weimar constitution embodied many dangerous aspects which could go some way to explain its instability.

For example, the system of proportional representation posed a problem to the constitution as what mattered was the total number of votes received by a party unlike the first past the post system in Britain today. This meant there was never a majority government elected and a series of weak minority governments, which seriously weakened it’s survival, especially during this devastating time when Germany needed stronger governments. The failure to deal with the conservative elements in society, who remained in their influential positions, was down to the fact that the constitution was too democratic to deal with them. This flaw allowed the authoritarian tradition to undermine the democratic nature of the new republic from the beginning and could be seen as one of the back bone causes for instability in the Weimar Republic. Although the problem with Article 48 of the constitution did not specifically affect Germany until 1928, it posed a great potential danger as it could have been abused easily by a president who favoured some form of authoritarian government over democracy, giving him the power to ignore the Reichstag. This would give the option to use doctorial powers, which creates instability, as it could have resulted in the untimely end to democracy and the Weimar Republic.

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However there were also many positive aspects to this new constitution especially compared to the previous Authoritarian Reich. Power now came from the people, choosing the government and the chancellor as they were accountable to a Reichstag which was democratically elected.

The constitution incorporated a system of checks and balances. The elected president could dismiss the chancellor and dissolve the Reichstag and the Supreme Court could reject laws deemed unconstitutional. There was also a bill of rights guaranteeing civil liberties.

Although I believe the constitution was a vast improvement on authoritarianism, I think the positive aspects only ...

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