Explain the degree to which the year’s c1925-1929 were a time of economic and political stability for the Weimar Republic.

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Explain the degree to which the year’s c1925-1929 were a time of economic and political stability for the Weimar Republic.

The question above, still creates great debate to this very day, so to be able to answer it fully, I will look at both Stabilising and De-stabilising factors which affected the Weimar Republics economy and politics during the period between 1925-1929.  During the Period Gustav Stresemann was the foreign minister (appointed in 1923, after being Chancellor until having lost the Reichstags confidence by November 1923), and a good foreign minister was essential in bringing economic stability (and to a certain degree political stability) to the Weimar republic. By being able to revise the Treaty of Versailles (by expelling reparations), Stresemann would be able to reduce the public hatred towards the republic for its acceptance of the Versailles Treaty, this revision would also help the Republic by giving it the chance to become stable, help re-build the country, and bring success and power to Germany.

Stresemanns foreign policy, accepted that Germany was in no position to challenge the allies militarily and revise the treaty of Versailles by force. His strategy was known as fulfilment. This policy entailed negotiation because the lack of military power that Germany had, gaining the confidence of the Western powers and ending Germany’s diplomatic isolation, using Germany’s economic rather than military potential as a means to get Versailles revised, close co-operation with the USA to gain economic aid, satisfying the French demand for security, and to also build links with the USSR which would put slight pressure on the West to improve relations through fear of further German moves towards the USSR. As a result of this strategy Stresemann hoped that the reparations problem would be solved, the 1923 Ruhr and Rhineland occupations would end, military control of Germany would end, and Germany’s eastern borders would be revised. Stresemann negotiated re-organisation of reparations through the Dawes plan, which aided by the use of foreign loans would help Germany re-build its economic strength which would enable it to pay off the reparations more easily. The Dawes plan in1924, and the introduction of the Young Plan (adopted in 1929), all helped Germany in making it solve the reparations problem, and them being able to pay them. The addition of loans also helped Germany; they received more in foreign loans than they actually paid in reparations. The only problem with loans is that they had to be paid back, and when they were due it was bound to hinder the economic stability of Germany.

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The Dawes plan was a vital contribution to the German economic recovery which would result in it stabilising, whilst then the Young plan reduced both the current payments and the total burden, and the rescheduling the payments over a longer time span reduced the likelihood of payment being fully implemented. Stresemanns foreign policy transformed Germany from being a distrusted outcast to being actively involved in European diplomacy, with the help of such pacts as the Lacarno treaty, and becoming a member of the league of Nations, How-ever at the time (and still today) most Germans (especially those on the ...

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