Explain the main features of The New Deal.

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Coursework: The New Deal 1933-1940

  1. Explain the main features of The New Deal.

THE NEW Deal was drafted in as a new era for the USA in 1933, it was further developed through the 30’s into what became a significant movement in US history.

The brand new President at the time, Franklin D. Roosevelt, introduced The New Deal to the USA with mixed reactions. The New Deal and FDR’s first 100 days as President Elect introduced The New Deal with a firm set of policies and ideas.

“Relief, recovery and reform” was one of the main principles of The New Deal. It was to relieve the unemployed and the homeless after The Great Depression [1929’s “Wall Street Crash”], and the second New Deal [1934-1940] was focused upon reforming and rejuvenating the USA preventing further mishaps. The idea of government involvement was one played up by The New Deal; Democrats in power brought new shape and ideas to how things ran. This was the main reason behind The New Deal, to relieve the country, then to recover it and bring it into reformation, The New Deal was a revolution in American History.

One famous saying: “Action and action now” echoed through the supposed intentions of The New Deal, it was a revolution. Roosevelt’s plans and ideas were colossal in number; his main priority was to “put banks in a secure footing”. He had to renew his faith in the Capitalist banking system; he had to encourage people to invest in the industry. 4,000 banks collapsed, was a cure on the way? The Emergency Banking Act saw all banks closed for inspection, only banks fit to perform their duties correctly would be allowed to re-open. This decreased the number yet increased the efficiency of US banks.

There were many features in The New Deal, the country was reformed; The New Deal cut government spending, it stopped prohibition and the AAA [Agricultural Adjustment Act] reduced and controlled farm production. The CCC was set up to bring 18-25 year olds back into employment, and the CWA provided public work jobs for the unemployed, which helped morale. The Federal Relief Administration helped citizens in poverty, the HOLC provided homer-owner loans, and the National Industrial Recovery Act boosted the economy. The New Deal was invaluable to the farmers and farming industry in general, the AAA, FCA, FSA and TVA were all acts kicked into motion to life US farms out of The Great Depression.

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The Second New deal surfaced in 1934, its job was to rejuvenate and reform the USA, with the main problems out of the way, Roosevelt’s aim was to restore USA’s greatness and infamous pride, and to make sure another Great Depression wasn’t to surface.

The WPA [Works Progress Administration] was set up to get all the unemployed to work on projects valuable to the community, The Securities And Exchange Commission was created to prevent another “Wall Street Crash” and the National Labor Relations Act replace the aforementioned NIRA. A Social Securities Act was set up and a Soil Conservation act ...

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