Eyewitness - source related review

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3. Source D is the evidence of Elizabeth long at the inquest into the death of Annie Chapman. As this source is a witness account is reliable in some aspects and unreliable others. As it is an actual witness account it may be hampered by the person’s personal views or prejudices, however since it was taken soon after the murder it is more likely to be based on the facts of time rather than later on deductions. The statement itself is about the man seen talking to Annie Chapman the night she was murdered.

Source E is Part of an article published in a local newspaper after the murders of Polly Nicholls and Annie Chapman, as it is in a newspaper it is likely to be dramatized, it is only an extract of the article and may be taken out of context; since it was published soon after the murders it is probably mostly based on facts rather than theories.

The witness statement from Elizabeth long would not have been considered reliable in a murder enquiry due to its vagueness and uncertainty with phrases such as ‘I think’, ‘I cannot be sure’ And ‘as far as I could tell’ being used. Despite the length of the statement we do not actually find out much information about the man we only know that he was wearing a deerstalker hat, might have been wearing a long coat, could have been over forty and was ‘a bit taller than the deceased’. Given the number of people living in London at the time this information may have been discarded entirely if Elizabeth long had not said they looked foreign, due to prejudices from the police and public at the time. If the Ripper was from those parts then he would have almost certainly been completely overlooked by the police as their search was concentrated on looking for suspicious foreigners.

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4. Source F is a police leaflet published after the murders of Elizabeth Stride and Kate Eddowes, this leaflet is a very reliable source as it was published by the police which means that it is factual and also it was published at the time of the murders. It was published by the police in an attempt to glean information from the public about the identity of Jack the Ripper.
Source G is
Part of a letter from the Home Secretary to the Mile End Vigilance Committee on 17 September 1888; it concerns the use of reward money for the ...

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