French and American Revolutions Compared

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In order to answer this question, we need to look at the backgrounds, the aim and the result of each revolution. Then, we’ll have to see what they have in common and what are different. After that, we might be able to answer the question. A revolution’s objective is to be able to get a better life afterwards. The best revolution would be one that achieves its goal with the minimal violence as possible.

The American Revolution (1775-1783) started in 1775.

However, it is important to know that Britain and America were not on good terms for a long time. For example, the Stamp Act passed in 1765 by the British parliament, that Americans didn’t pay.” NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION” was the reason why they didn’t pay. They wanted someone to defend their rights in the British Parliament.

At this point, the king of England was furious because of the Americans’ behaviour.

After that, in 1767, Townshend imposed duties on goods entering American ports. To guarantee to safety of the people collecting these taxes, some extra troops had been sent to America. However, a group of extremists decided to make life as difficult as possible for these soldiers. That led to the Boston massacre; five rioters died. So at this point, the tension between Britain and America was increasing, and will continue to increase with the Boston tea party.

Not only the British were furious, but Americans weren’t happy either. They were fed up with british taxes and restrictions like the Navigation Acts passed in the 17th century, and wanted to be independant.

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After the war broke out in 1775, the Continental Congress formed of 55 American politicians from 12 of the 13 colonies, nominated Thomas Jefferson to write the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCE in 1776.

On July 4th 1776, the American colonists declared themselves independant from Britain.

They fought courageously with the help of several europeen countries such as France against the British army. There was a huge number of casualties due to this revolution.

About 50000 Americans died and about 1240 British sailors died in battle, and 18500 sailors died of a disease  known as scurvy. Also 7554 Germans died, and no ...

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