German reaction to the Treaty of Versailles. The aims of Hitler and the British response.

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Detailed Events of Hitler’s Challenge and Exploit of the Treaty of Versailles

German reaction to the Treaty of Versailles included:

  • They were enraged when they saw the extremely harsh terms of the treaty.
  • They were not allowed to negotiate over its terms and were forced to accept it.
  • They felt that the terms of the treaty were extremely unfair and humiliating.
  • They felt that they should not have to accept responsibility for the war.
  • Many Germans started calling for revenge to reverse the effects of the treaty.
  • Germans attacked the new Weimar democratic government for signing it.
  • Many labelled the politicians who signed the treaty “November Criminals” who had “stabbed in the back” the army, which still controlled most of Europe in 1918.
  • The treaty undermined the new democratic government, led to the rise of the Nazi party and the Second World War.

The aims of Hitler’s Foreign Policy were:

  • To reverse the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • To make Germany a great world power again.
  • To unite all German speaking people.
  • To rearm Germany and restore all its lost territories.
  • To conquer an Empire in the East to give Germany Lebensraum (living space).

The aims of Hitler’s Foreign Policy were based on the ideas of:

  • The Master Race (The Nazi racist idea that Germans as an Aryan people were a “master race” destined to rule “subhuman” peoples like Slavs.)
  • Pan-German Nationalism (The belief that all German speaking peoples should be united in one Greater Germany.)
  • Militarism (The use of military force to solve a countries problems is better than peaceful negotiations.)
  • Social Darwinism (The theory that in the world it was natural for stronger countries to conquer and rule weaker countries.)
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German Rearmament:

  • Hitler argues the Treaty of Versailles was unfair and every country including Germany had the right to defend itself.
  • In 1933 Germany withdrew from the World Disarmament Conference on the grounds no other country was disarming.
  • In 1934 Hitler ordered the German armed forces to rearm and prepare for war.
  • In 1935 Germany reintroduced conscription breaking the Treaty of Versailles. Germany built tanks, aeroplanes and submarines breaking the Treaty of Versailles.
  • In 1936 Germany remilitarises the Rhineland in violation of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Britain, France and the League of Nations did nothing to stop German ...

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