'Haig was an uncaring general who sacrificed the lives of his soldiers for no good reason.' How far do these sources support this view?

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Question 6                                        Shannon Phillips ‘Haig was an uncaring general who sacrificed the lives of his soldiers for no good reason.’ How far do these sources support this view? I think that sources A, C, D, F, G and J all claim that Haig sacrificed his men for no good reason. Source A was written by Haig in June 1916. I think that even though Haig wrote this himself it shows that he is cold hearted and would actually sacrifice his men for no good reason because he says, “The nation must be taught to bear losses.” This quote shows that he is preparing the nation for what is to come. “No amount of skill on the part of the higher commanders, no training, however good, on the part of the officers and men, no superiority of arms and ammunition, however great, will enable victories to be won without the sacrifice of men’s lives.” I think by writing this he is saying to the nation that if they want victory then the sacrifice of men’s lives are crucial. If Haig could have come up with a good plan then he wouldn’t of had to sacrifice as many of his men’s life, but he must not have been bothered about a good plan so in other words source a shows that he was ready to sacrifice his men’s lives for no good reason. Source D is a still from the TV series of ‘Blackadder goes forth’ I think that this source claims that Haig sacrificed the lives of his men for no good reason because the man who plays Blackadder says, “My instincts lead me to believe that we are at last to over the top.” This claims that Haig is just sending his men over the top 1 group of men after another not really caring. The other man (George) then replies with, “Great Scott, Sir! You mean the moment has finally arrived for us to give Harry Hun a darn good British style thrashing, six of the best trousers down?” Harry Hun is a nickname that the British gave the German soldiers (the Huns) like the british nickname was the Tommies. George in this speech bubble is being sarcastic as he is saying a British style thrashing, but if you remember the British weren’t doing very well in the war as they lost 57,000 men on the first day and that shows that they couldn’t give a good thrashing. You also know that he is being sarcastic as Blackadder replies with, “you mean ‘are we all
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going to get killed?’ Yes. Clearly Field Marshal Haig is about yet another giant effort to move his drinks cabinet six inches closer to Berlin.” When it says about Haigs drink cabinet being 6 inches closer to Berlin, it is saying that he doesn’t have a lot to do with what goes on at the front he just stays with his drinks cabinet at the back. This could show that he would sacrifice the lives of his men for no good reason as he doesn’t go to the front and help them. Source F is from a recent book called ...

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