History Essay - Why did war break out in Europe in 1939

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Why did war break out in Europe in 1939?

Many historians have traced the causes of World War II to problems left unsolved by World War I (1914-1918). World War I and the treaties that ended it also created new political and economic problems. Forceful leaders in several countries took advantage of these problems to seize power one of the being Hitler. The desire of dictators in Germany, Italy, and Japan to conquer additional territory brought them into conflict with the democratic nations e.g. Britain and France against Germany.

After World War I ended, representatives of each of the countries met in Paris in 1919 to draw up peace treaties. These treaties were known as the Peace of Paris. They were worked out in haste by these countries with opposing goals; and failed to satisfy even the victors. Of all the countries Germany left the peace conference the most dissatisfied. Italy gained less territory than it felt it deserved and vowed to take action on its own. The countries that lost World War I -Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey - were especially dissatisfied with the treaties. They were stripped of territory, arms and were required to make reparations.

The Treaty of Versailles, which was signed with Germany, punished Germany severely. The German government agreed to sign the treaty only after they were threatened to be invaded by the allies. Many Germans particularly resented the clause that forced Germany to accept responsibility for causing World War I.
World War I seriously damaged the economies of the European countries. Both the winners and the losers came out of the war deeply in debt. The defeated countries had particular difficulty paying reparations.

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Italy and Japan suffered from too many people and too few resources after World War I. They eventually tried to solve their problems by expansion of their territories. In the 1930s there were two incidents which really tested the ability of the League of Nations; the invasion of Abyssinia and Manchuria. The first major test for the League came when the Japanese invaded Manchuria in 1931. The depression had hit Japan severely; the collapse of the American market put the Japanese economy into further crisis. The army leaders of Japan came to a unanimous decision they had to build ...

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