History Force essay. A specific individual and group, Lenin and the Bolsheviks were strongly influenced by the ideas on Marxism that they were fundamental to the shaping of Russian communism in Russia

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Question: Describe and explain how a force or movement influences a specific individual or group of people to try to improve the lives of their fellow countrymen and women. Describe and explain the consequences of these efforts

 A specific individual and group, Lenin and the Bolsheviks were strongly influenced by the ideas on Marxism that they were fundamental to the shaping of Russian communism in Russia in the beginning of 1900s which at the time was a backward autocratic country ruled by Tsar Nicolas II. The social, economic and political factors of the autocracy helped Lenin and the Bolshevik’s to shape Russian communism as a historical force. They ultimately brought change in Russia by establishing the Bolshevik’s state through bringing down the provisional government to improve the lives of fellow countrymen and women. The consequences, however of their efforts to improve the lives of their fellow countrymen and women at the end did not bring any positive changes or impacts to the country in the longer term.

Lenin and the Bolshevik’s were influenced by the idea of Marxism which was created by a German socialist called Karl Marx. Marx argued that under capitalist economic system, a tiny percentage of the nobility and the bourgeoisie owned all the means of production, had all the power and exploited the proletariat. Marx claimed that eventually, the proletariat would revolt, overthrow capitalism and replace it with socialism. During this stage a Dictatorship of the proletariat would be necessary to rule on behalf of the workers. Eventually, a system called communism would emerge where the people owned the means of production, profit and power were shared equally, and all people would belong to one class and be equal. Eventually, no government would be necessary and everyone would live in communes. Marx’s theory of communism was very influential to Lenin and Bolshevik’s as it provided a vision of a much fairer society and the hope of improving the lives of their fellow countrymen and women.

However, Lenin changed some aspects on the idea of Marxism and created his own theory known as “Leninism”. Leninism is a political theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat led by a revolutionary vanguard Party, Developed by Lenin. It comprises of political and socialist economic theories developed from Marxism. It is Lenin’s interpretations of Marxist theory within the agrarian Russian Empire of the early 20th century. Lenin reversed Marx’s order of economics over politics, allowing for a political revolution led by a vanguard Party of professional revolutionaries rather than a spontaneous uprising of the working class as predicted by Marx. He adapted to suit the situation of Russia and also because he believed that the revolutions should occur fairly quickly and history should be given a push. (i.e they should make the revolution happen, rather than waiting for the workers to become so desperate that they rose up of their own accord).

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The social and economic factors of Russia in the 1900s which influenced Lenin and the Bolshevik’s  to bring about a communist ideas and revolution was to end centuries of oppression of the peasants and the workers under the Tsarist regime. Russia in the 1900s 80 percent of the population were peasants. Most peasants lived in poor conditions. Despite the abolition of serfdom, they were economically oppressed. The peasants’ conditions deteriorated with inadequate land and having to repay loans to the government to buy the land. They lacked capital to buy machinery and as the rural population grew, farm size declined ...

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