History of Grenada (How to write a short IGCSE essay: Plan, Evaluation of Sources, Essay)

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History of Grenada

John Schultz

Summary of Topic

I am going to write about an island the Caribbean called Grenada and it’s history. Grenada is a very interesting country, it has both been British and French and the island has had very many political changes. Grenada is located in southern Caribbean in the Windward Islands. Grenada was first discovered by Europeans in 1498 by Columbus. Grenada was a colony until 1974 when it became fully independent from Britain. Today Grenada is one of the biggest nutmeg exporters in the world and is known as “The Spice of Caribbean”.



Grenada is a very small country in the Caribbean that consists of the main island Grenada, and a smaller island Carriacou. The island is situated in the Southern Windward islands just north of Trinidad and Tobago. Grenada is part of “The Grenadines” which is a group of islands in the southern Caribbean. The main language in Grenada is English, they also have a language of their own with it’s origins in the Caribs but it is barley being used.

Early History

Two million years ago Grenada was formed from and underwater volcano. The Arawaks were the fist Indians to inhabit Grenada but they were eventually massacred by the Carib Indians. The Caribs called Grenada Camahogne and were the people who lived longest on Grenada.


In 1498 Columbus came to Grenada, but he was defeated by the Island Caribs and couldn’t get ashore. A century passed and the next to try to take control over Grenada were the French. The French came to Grenada 1651, island Caribs fought against them but consecutively lost many battles. The last surviving Caribs understood that the French would win. They didn’t want to become slaves so they jumped off a 50 metre peak in northern Grenada. The French call this spot “Leapers’ Hill”.

The French made Grenada a very wealthy island and imported slaves from Africa. The French made Grenada a typical sugar producing island. They built a capital city called Fort Royal, which is nowadays known as St. George's. Fort Royal was the only French natural harbour that sheltered from hurricanes. The French renamed Camahogne La Grenade and remained there for about a century.

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In 1763 Grenada became British by the Treaty of Paris (1762) where Great Britain, France, Spain and Portugal changed countries with each other. Britain renamed La Grenade Grenada. In 1792 Britain introduced the nutmeg to Grenada. Grenada is now one of the worlds biggest exporters of nutmeg. Britain banned slavery in 1834 and in 1877 Grenada became a crown colony.


In 1963 Grenada got the status “Associated State of the United Kingdom” which mean that Grenada was responsible of her own internal affairs but UK was responsible for Grenadas defence and foreign affairs. On February ...

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