Hitler - Jews

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How did Hitler’s policy affect the lives of the Jews?

Hitler possessed strong anti-Semitic views for many reasons. He and fellow Nazis were strong believers in Social Darwinism, which was survival of the fittest; Hitler called the superior race in his opinion, the “Aryans”. He therefore believed that the Jews should be eliminated. Also, anti-Semitism had a long history, so the Jews were an easy scapegoat for Germany’s problems that Hitler could use. In addition to that, the Jewish people were often very successful and wealthy, so Germans thought that they were stealing money from them, and in many instances were jealous of them. So, Hitler adopted strong anti-Semitic policies; they were not the most popular of his decisions, but they were carried out with great strength.

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There were 5 main stages to the persecution of the Jews:

  • Livelihoods were attacked,
  • They were singled out,
  • Nuremburg Laws,
  • Violence,
  • Final Solution.

At first, the Jews’ livelihoods were attacked. Many of them were sacked from their jobs, such as those who were teachers and doctors. They weren’t allowed to serve on a jury or work with Aryans.

The next stage was more serious, which was when the Jews were singled out. Their passports were stamped with a “J”, and in public they were forced to sit on separate yellow benches. Furthermore, their ...

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Here's what a star student thought of this essay

The spelling and grammar in this essay appears to be good. The structure was good as well. This essay received five stars as it explain and described the persecution of the Jews clearly, whilst also demonstrating good knowledge, like the Kershaw quote.

Analysis was not required for this question, as it was only an explain and describe question. Although any analysis would have been welcome alongside the description, for instance they could have said which of all the policies was most detrimental to the Jews, where as the author just listed them chronologically. There is something to be said for ordering each paragraph about a different policy in order of impact, as it demonstrates evaluative skills, which look good.

The response to the question is good as it outlined the key steps in the oppression of the Jews and goes through each, in each paragraph, which is a good approach to take, as it show good planning and vision. The author wisely tries to explain in the introduction why Hitler chose to attack the Jews, however the explanation was quite simplistic, but did the job nonetheless. The author concludes the essay very well, bringing all his/her points together very well. For instance the reference to Hitler’s social policy, which was what the essay was about, they also introduce a quote from a notable historian. Using quotes is thoroughly recommended as it demonstrates wider reading of the topic, something that in my experience has rewarded.