How and with what success did the new deal solve the problems facing the USA in the1930s?

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How and with what success did the new deal solve the problems facing the USA in the


The New Deal was very successful to pull America out of the problems which the Americans were facing. The New Deal seemed to start solving the problem very quickly and the people started to gain confidence again. And with all of the new deal laws money started to go around in the economical system. That’s what it has been like in the beginning. But than the new deal system didn’t continue to solve any more problems especially as most of the people were still being paid low.


There were a lot of major problems in America at the time. Because of the crash lots of people became unemployed. Up to 5000 banks have been forced to close down because people have borrowed money but then were unable to repay the money to the banks. And lots of people, companies and went bankrupt and prices of products kept dropping. This lead a lot to homelessness and starvation. By 1933 there were 13 million people unemployed. Lots of crime broke out due to the amount of unemployed people. So the people needed to live of something. So lots of people ended up in destitution and couldn’t do anything about the situation.

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The new deal brought in a lot of policies to stop the problems in America. America started to work together with everyone. All the people helped each other and worked to make America a better place. America started to spend a lot of money on the people to give them jobs. America has spent a lot of money educating people and giving them training so they were capable of getting better jobs. America was able to help the people by making a “Brain trust” so they decide what to do. The Brain Trust gave a lot of confidence to ...

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