How did the Depression lead to the rise of authoritarianism/militarism?

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How did the depression lead to the rise of authoritarianism/militarism?

The Great Depression was an economic depression, which started in the 1929 and lasted till the late 1930’s. It was a time during the interwar years where many countries were hit with a downturn in their economic activities leading to many consequences, some of which I will talk about below.  USA, being the main keystone in the world economy was worst hit leading to major crisis throughout the world.

        One of the outcomes of the depression was the rise of militarism. Militarism is when, the people or government of a certain country believe that a strong military system should be setup and force be used to promote the countries interests.

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An example of this rise is the Manchurian Crisis of 1931.

Japan’s main trading partner was USA. When USA was hit with depression, they stopped trading internationally. This was a disaster for Japan, a country with no raw materials of its own. The Japanese army then decided to invade Manchuria (part of Northern China), which had a lot of valuable raw materials. Additionally, all big European powers were following the ‘Appeasement Policy’. This was when they ignored or turned a blind eye against aggressors, in this case Japan. When China appealed to League Of Nation’s for help, no action ...

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