How Effectively Did The Nazis Control Germany? The Nazis controlled Germany very effectively because there was little opposition towards their regime

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How Effectively Did The Nazis Control Germany?

The Nazis controlled Germany very effectively because there was little opposition towards their regime. The little opposition was due to their powerful organization and control over Germany.


The Nazis managed to convince many people that their actions were good and right by using propaganda. This was very important to the Nazis. Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of propaganda, took over newspaper publishers and told publishers what the news should be. Opposing anti-nazi newspapers were closed. He encouraged new films because he though that propaganda succeeded when people were entertained. Goebbels took over all the radio stations and loudspeakers were put up in public places. Festivals were organized and books were burned with un-German context. This propaganda helped the Nazis reduce the amount of opposition because a lot of people did not know what they were doing was wrong.

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The Nazis used the churches rather than destroyed them. Catholics were allowed to continue their religious work.  Hitler united all protestant into a Reich church under Bishop Muller who was pro Nazi.  They were known as the German Christians. Although many Christians sided with the Nazis there was some opposition manly by the Church leaders who openly criticized the Nazi dictatorship.

The S.S., an elite force who controlled the police, and the Gestapo, the state secret police, closely watched the German people for any opposition. Many German people did not oppose the Nazis because they were frightened of ...

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