How far do the sources support the idea that Germanywas warlike and aggressive in its foreign policy in the years 1899-1914?

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Faisal Mahmood

Part A Objective 2

How far do the sources support the idea that Germany was warlike and aggressive in its foreign policy in the years 1899-1914?


Between 1899-1916 Germany had a change in the Kaiser. In the year 1890 Bismark had been replaced by Nicolas II. During the year of Bismark Germany had not at all warlike and aggressive, various incidents Germany had been involved in peace keeping. When Nicolas however came to power things changed. Germany was no longer a peaceful country any more. During Nicolas period of being Kaiser, Germany became warlike and aggressive.

        Source one, both supports and contradicts the statement. Simply because the character speaking is the German Chancellor, “Prince Von Bulow” to the German Parliament. The Chancellor is manipulating the parliament in to funding him so that he can build up their naval argument “without a strong army and a strong navy, there can b no welfare for us.”

This shows that Germany is warlike and aggressive. The source also mentions “there is a great deal of envy of us in the world, political envy and economical envy.’ This shows that Germany as a country has done well, and other countries are jealous of the comeback and the way they have managed. The Chancellor is directing this at Britain, France and Russia as being jealous. This obviously shows that Germany is not warlike and aggressive.

I think this source can be reliable in a way as well as unreliable. This is because the source is from a chancellor who would be aware of the German foreign policy and therefore would know what is best for Germany. It can also be unreliable as the chancellor could be asking for money from the Parliament for militaristic purposes.

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        Source two supports the statement, as it shows how warlike and aggressive Germany is. The source gives a brief view of how Germany stirred trouble up between other countries. The source tells “she has beaten and robbed Denmark and for that purpose took as a partner Austria.” The fact that Germany has beaten and robbed Denmark shows the dark and evil side of Germany. It is not just Denmark Germany has “beaten and taken, money and territory from France.” This again shows Germany is warlike and aggressive. An example of Germany interfering in current affairs is the Krugan telegram; ...

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