How far was Roosevelt himself responsible for his election victory in 1932? Explain your answer.

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How far was Roosevelt himself responsible for his election victory in 1932? Explain your answer.

There were several reasons for Roosevelt’s election in 1932 all of which can be placed into three different categories, Roosevelt’s strengths, the opponent’s weaknesses and The Depression. All of these reasons were important in their own ways.

The Depression had caused America huge problems. Unemployment had risen to nearly 14 million by 1932. Businesses had had to cut production by in some cases up to 80%. Average wage had fallen from 59 to 49 cents an hour. This meant that people were slowly getting more and more desperate as there seemed to be no action being done by the republican government so people started looking for solutions in the Democratic Party.

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Hoover was very unpopular. He did not acknowledge the depressions existence he didn’t admit there was a problem as he claimed in his speech delivered on the 26th of October a week after the depression started. This meant that people who were suffering through unemployment and homeless were annoyed that Hoover was not even admitting there was a problem which meant he would not help them.

In 1932 United States veterans went on a ‘Bonus March.’ The soldiers from WW1, who had been promised a bonus that would be paid to them in 1945, wanted to receive the bonuses early ...

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