How far was Roosevelt himself responsible for his Presidential victory in 1932?

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How far was Roosevelt himself responsible for his Presidential victory in 1932? Explain your answer.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt became the 32nd President of the United States in 1932, one of the most important elections since 1860. He was the only president to be elected for four terms and only when he died in 1945, did FDRs career as President end. There were many reasons for his initial victory, his education, the influence of Louis Howe, Eleanor Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, but also his own personal qualities. In this essay, I will be evaluating each of these factors that may have aided his election victory.

One of the main things that helped FDR to become President was his own character and personality. FDR was a naturally charismatic man you could appeal to the American public. When he developed polio he gained a true insight to the concerns of the public and was able to use that to develop ways in which to help them, which is exactly what they wanted. FDR was an enthusiastic and confident campaigner who was hugely likeable and convincing. In FDRs upbringing and early education he would have had strong morals instilled into him and be taught a sense of public service, this would have later given him the determination to succeed.

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FDR was a good public speaker, but it could be argued that it was Louis Howe who helped him to develop these skills. Louis Howe was a journalist with a vast knowledge of politics who helped FDR with all of his campaigns. Louis Howe trained FDR to communicate effectively with the public by using his knowledge and FDRs natural charm and charisma. Many would argue that without the great help that Louis Howe provided, FDR would not have had the necessary public speaking skills to become President. Whilst FDR was recovering from polio, Louis Howe also helped his wife ...

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