How far was Roosevelt responsible for his election victory in 1932?

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          2. How far was Roosevelt responsible for his election victory in 1932?

In some ways Roosevelt was responsible for his election victory but in some ways he won it simply as people did not want to vote for Hoover, he was disliked at the time. This helped Roosevelt as either way he would have won. However there are two sides to this argument as I will explain.

Firstly, many historians believed that people voted for Roosevelt as Hoover was disliked at the time and they didn’t want Hoover to win, also Roosevelt’s Campaign put a good impression on people. This made it a lot easier for Roosevelt to win the election as many voted for him.

  Roosevelt was responsible for his election victory in several ways. Roosevelt was a popular governor of New York and carried out very successful policies such as spending state money to solve problems this helped him as people liked what he did and they new what he could do. He ran a well organized, election campaign in 1932 which was ran by wealthy backers that offered Americans hope, people would have liked this as he was offering to support them and help them which would have lead to people looking up at him.

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 Roosevelt had a caring character, this would have made people think that he was on their side, therefore more people would have voted for him this especially made it easier for him to get votes. Roosevelt was not afraid to ask people for help e.g. the government and factory workers. This lead to people thinking that he was brave, not shy or ashamed. Throughout his campaigns he travelled all round America to get support and experience in which he could give an impression of what he would do if he won, what his background and character was like and much ...

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