How has public health regressed/progressed over time?

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How has public health regressed/progressed over time? There are many factors that have helped or hindered public health from the Romans to the 1900s, such as war, government, key individuals and such.                                                                            The primary factor which has improved public health is the government, as they are in charge for their country or empire, and they can pass laws which would make locations cleaner and healthier. One example of this is the Roman Empire, which believed prevention was better than curing, so they built various baths and aqueducts for the public to freely bath in and have fresh water, so they would not catch or spread diseases and cures would not be needed, as
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they did not have them anyway. Also, the Roman government created sewers and clean toilets around their empire, even in remote places such as Hadrian’s Wall, showing how much they cared for public health. The Romans made large improvements and progression to public health; however, the Mongolians invaded and destroyed most of the Roman Empire, leaving little remnants of the Romans system. Another example of the government progressing public health are the public health acts of 1848, which was not compulsory, and 1875, which was. These meant that local authorities had to clean up and improve their town or city, ...

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