How much can you learn from source A about why prohibition was introduced? Use the source and your own knowledge.

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Lauren Joselyn

History Coursework


) How much can you learn from source A about why prohibition was introduced? Use the source and your own knowledge.

Overall the source tells us very little about why prohibition was introduced. Source A is a poster issued by the Women's Christian Temperance at an unknown date. We do not know how strong or influential this group were from this source. However, to be able to produce a poster the source tells us that this group must have been quite strong but we do not know where. Source A is a very bias piece of evidence as it was designed to persuade. The poster highlights not just all the possible negatives of alcohol generally but links it to all the negatives of society. Behind at the bar in the poster debauchery, ruin, misery, despair, death, poverty, disgrace, madness, disease and damnation is written. The words are closely linked to sin, immorality and ruin of life. This is a definite strand of opinion it is therefore not very reliable if you wish to find out why prohibition was introduced.

In fact, this temperance movement were strongly against alcohol and was very well supported worldwide but particularly in rural America. It gathered pace in the 1920's during the boom and it slowly integrated into the cities later. Many major industrialists including Nelson Rockefeller believing that their workers would be more reliable if they did not drink supported this organisation as well as others such as the anti-saloon league. The Women's Christian Temperance argued that the extra money that became available during and after the war during which the USA prospered was being squandered in saloons. The Women's Christian Temperance also used stories about children being crushed by drunken fathers. Their arguments were very powerful and were very disturbing. Many politicians backed the campaign hoping to gain votes. Eventually enough states were pro-prohibition that it led to the 18th Amendment to be introduced to the Constitution. This 'prohibited the manufacture, sale or transportation of intoxicating liquors.'

2) Study sources B to J and use your own knowledge. Do sources B to J agree about the way of life in the USA during prohibition?
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Sources B to J do not all agree about the way of life in USA during prohibition some have very contrasting views and some are very unreliable.

Source B is an article for m an anti alcohol paper, prohibition had just been introduced. This is a primary source dated 16th January 1920. From this source, it is clear that there were unquestionably a large number of people who were in support of prohibition. The source includes some very powerful vocabulary e.g. "All Liquor Stains Wiped from the Stars and stripes." This is the opening line and ...

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