How similar are the messages of sources F & G

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How similar are the messages of sources F & G

Source F and G seem to portray similar ideas with both pictures having a dominant figure of a person in Nazi uniform standing over a dead body. The fact that both pictures portray the Nazis to be brutal murderers shows that the cartoons are anti-Nazi and are criticizing the events of Kristallnacht and the dubious nature of the Nazi party’s cover story. In source F the Nazi is holding a club; this symbolizes the barbarism of the Nazis and is mirrored by the Nazi holding a truncheon in source G.

In both sources there is a dead body; this represents the victims of the Nazi’s abuse; the Jews. The sources are similar in the way that they both use negative imagery to transgress their views and probably attempt to dissuade people from being positive towards the Nazi party.

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The illustrations are both drawn wearing Nazi uniforms however, my prior knowledge of Kristallnacht informs me that the offenders of Kristallnacht were SA and SS troops wearing a guise of civilian clothing. The illustrators perhaps felt that drawing that, would not be as effective as drawing them in civilian clothing as it would not have been as blatant and would not necessarily show the intentions of the cartoon; the illustrators were chiding the Nazis and wanted other people to share their views on the Nazis.

Source F was published in Russia and at the time the government was communist which ...

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