How stable was Weimar Germany Between 1924 & 1929?

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How stable was Weimar Germany Between 1924 & 1929?

Weimar had experienced numerous problems between 1924 and 1929, which had mainly been caused by the politics of Weimar and the actions of the politicians, which had worsened the economic instability. However, Weimar was relatively successful in terms of international relations through foreign policy.

In the area of politics Weimar was suffering. There was extreme fluctuation between the Governments in power as shown by the many shifts in supremacy; between August 1923 and March 1930 there were nine changes in Government and there were also many different chancellors. Each Government collapsed easily, which meant that there was no consistency and therefore, no achievements.

These political flaws had led to further difficulties for the stability of Weimar coalition Governments. When the Dawes plan was introduced, Stresemann supported it, however, it faced a lot of opposition from the SPD, who withdrew their support. This was a problem as they were a large party and they refused to join the coalition. This meant that the SPD had gone from openly supporting the constitution to then changing their minds. This resulted in a reduction in Socialist views, which weakened the idea of democracy, as it didn’t allow the socialists to be represented as fairly. Disagreements such as these led to divisions within the coalitions, which resulted in the development of splinter parties. The number of seats began to drop. The SPD had gone from having 171 votes to having 100 in the 1928 election People started to turn to extremist groups such as the KPD, who had gone from 9 votes to 54, also in the 1928 election.

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Added to these problems, there was an unsupportive President – Paul von Hindenburg. He had caused problems during the 1925 elections as he was very nationalistic, and was, therefore, against the SPD. This had serious consequences in terms of stability within the Government. As this party was the most popular, it was confusing for the general public who had a well-respected President who was against them. The period of time between 1924 and 1929 were extremely unstable. There is very little that is politically stable and/or successful.

Regardless of the political condition, economically Germany was progressing. Monetary ...

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