How successful were the Nazis' in their aim to control and influence young people?

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Hitler Youth Policy Exam Question

Q. How successful were the Nazis’ in their aim to control and influence young people?


The Nazis were not totally successful in their aim and there are areas where young people did not conform in the way Hitler wanted. There have been different interpretations of the success of youth policy with the idea that youth policy was only successful in the short term. The way of assessing success is to see how far the Nazis’ succeeded in the physical, moral and mental education of German youth according to the principles of National Socialism.

The Nazis managed over the years to massively increase the membership of the Hitler Youth, with 107,956 members in 1932 rising to 6,000,000 + in 1936. The increase in membership is a success because they have managed to increase the membership of a National Socialist youth organisation. From memoirs is can be seen that boys enjoyed the ‘comradeship, loyalty and honour’ and the ideas of community, which shows that the Nazis had managed to target the youths morals. They were also enthusiastic about the physical side with camping, hiking and adventurous activities. However the initial success of the Hitler Youth could be put down to the novelty factor involved with the introduction of new activates.

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One of the aims of the Youth organisations was to introduce military aspects to the youth especially boys who would later be fighting for the Reich. These military activities included long military drills, which memoir evidence describe as boring. There is evidence in a SOPRADE report of 1935 that youthful group leaders who wanted to drill already exhausted groups even harder would receive a beating from his charges. It can be seen in memoirs that the military activities over time became unpopular with the boys.

Some members of the youth population conformed to the Youth organisations ideals for ...

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