How useful are the sources D and E in helping you understand why the Ripper was able to avoid capture?

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Jack The Ripper Sources Coursework

3) Study Sources D and E

How useful are the sources D and E in helping you understand why the Ripper was able to avoid capture?

Both sources are useful in helping us understand why the Ripper was quite easily able to avoid capture.

Source D is one of the very few eye witnessed accounts of Annie Chapman’s final movements before her murder, made by a woman called Elizabeth Long. Because it says “the EVIDENCE of Elizabeth Long”, it makes me feel as if this was a police interview, which would help the police understand the last movements of the deceased. This could have been used in court, and therefore I believe Elizabeth Long would not have lied in her account, and any discrepancies in it would be simply down to her not being sure. Therefore, in that sense, it is quite reliable. However, in her account she is not too sure about the description of the man the deceased was last seen with. It is questionable. This man was seen to be the prime suspect, so the police probably followed Elizabeth Long’s account to a large extent, as it was the most of the very little evidence they had. So they probably did go round suspecting foreigners, even though she does say she was not too sure. (He looked like a foreigner as far as I could make out”) She may have found it difficult to see because of the darkness. We know Elizabeth Long witnessed seeing Annie Chapman after dark.

She first says, “… Was wearing a deerstalkers hat.” She then contradicts herself by saying “he looked to me like a foreigner.” A deerstalkers hat worn by predominantly English people. A foreigner would certainly not wear one. The man may have done this deliberately (as a disguise) or the witness may have just got her account wrong.

“I think he was wearing a dark coat but I cannot be sure.” Here, the witness is not sure what type or what colour coat the man was wearing. Already we can imagine how easy it must have been for the Ripper to get away, with no one hardly even noticing him. It would have also been really dark, as the streets were not well lit in the East End, which would not have helped Elizabeth Long either. She would have found it hard to see the colour of the man’s clothes. Everything to her would have seemed of a dark colour. “He was dark complexioned … I Think he was wearing a dark coat…” Most colours in the dark do seem black or very close to black and that may have influenced the way she saw things. It of course may not have. For this reason, Elizabeth Long would not really have closely seen the man’s features. This again shows that if Jack the Ripper had been seen just after committing a murder, people would not have taken notice, for the reason that people would not have seen him very well in the dark. He could have had blood smeared all over himself, but people would not have notice unless they went right up to him.

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Because of the darkness, Elizabeth Long is not even sure about the age of the man seen. Yet again, you would have to go right up to him to see around what age he was. In truth, you would not just walk tight up to a person to see what they looked like unless they were doing suspicious. So, as long as the ripper kept a low profile just after the murder with no sudden movements, nobody would have noticed.  

Also, Elizabeth Long reckoned the man looked like a foreigner as far as she could tell. “He ...

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