How Were The Jews Discriminated Against Between 1933 To 1939?

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Adam Georgiou 10C3                The Holocaust


In January 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in Germany. He was part of the Nazi Party, and had many extremist views on how the country should be run. Hitler’s efficiently organised attack on the Jewish population had already been spoken of in his book “Mien Kampf”. Once Hitler became Chancellor the Jews lives deteriorated until, they were so badly treated that people could class them as not human.

Hitler wasn’t the first person to persecute the Jews. They had been persecuted against in Europe for hundreds of years, so Hitler was in some way copying people’s views. However did this give Hitler the excuse to treat the Jews as badly as he did?

In this assignment I’m going to investigate how the Jews were persecuted and why they were persecuted like they were. I am also going to look at how the treatment of the Jews changed, and what affect it had on the Jews themselves.

How Were The Jews Discriminated Against Between 1933 To 1939?

The persecution of the Jews began very early in the reign of Hitler. Three months after Hitler had been appointed as Chancellor, a nationwide boycott of Jewish shops and businesses was carried out under Nazi leadership. Even though the businesses lost a lot of money and trade, they didn’t shut down. This was mainly to do with the Other Jews still using the Jewish trade. It wasn’t a total boycott and didn’t completely work.

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Hitler wanted the non-Jewish Germans to dislike the Jews before he began violently persecuting the Jews. In 1934 Hitler boosted the anti-Jewish propaganda, which would indoctrinated the non-Jewish public. This propaganda included misleading information such as: Jews were an inferior race, the Jews were planning on taking over the world, and that all the problems of Germany were because of the Jews.

In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were passed. These laws were passed to protect the Aryan race. The laws were aimed at keeping the inferior races, such as the Jews, from mixing with Aryans. Marriages between non-Jews ...

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