How were the Jews treated in 1933-1939 Germany?

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How were the Jews treated in 1933-1939 Germany?

In 1933 January 30th Adolph Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany, By 1934 Hitler was in full command of Germany. What would follow in his rule would be considered be the persecution and hate campaign of Jewish people, it continued until Hitler was eventually killed. Today it is still recognized as one of the biggest genocides crisis in history.

Before Hitler came to power Jews lived peacefully in Germany, there were considered German and played a important part of their economy with many businessmen Jewish, However when Hitler came to power he wanted to isolate the Jews of the economy. At first Hitler had used anti-semantic campaigns to convince the German people that buying from Jewish businesses was wrong, however very few people did anything, instead they continued as usual.  Hitler seeing how the campaign had little effect, shut boycotted all Jewish business on the 1st of April 1933. This resulted in a massive number of Jews living poverty. What followed was Jewish people having absolute no chance of obtaining any possible job. They also lost there life savings with the Germans seizing their personal assets. As the Jews were becoming less useful in the economy, the German public on gradually began to shift its views towards Hitler. On November the 9th the German public finally showed that they were anti-semantic. What followed during that night was known as Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass).  In that night Jewish businesses were attacked by the German public, windows were smashed, buildings were set alights, and countless were injured and hurt. After the destruction 20,000 Jewish men were rounded up and sent to concentration camps.

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As the public grew more restless of the Jewish people, more laws and exceptions were designed to humiliate them. One of them main idea for the treatment race was that Germany was a more superior race than others. The name for them was Aryan. German believed that Aryans were the greatest race on earth and how they are superior to any other race. There ideal Aryan was Blonde hair and Blue Eyes; however during there research they made claims the appearance and mental mind of Jews. As we all know Jewish are no different people they have no special ...

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